Cyber-Stein - SJC-EN001 - Ultra Rare - Limited Edition Tweet Out of stock. Wishlist Details Card Rules: Rulings powered by The Netrep API. [Re: Barrier Statue of the Abyss] You cannot activate 'Future Fusion' or the effect of 'Cyber-Stein' while a Barrier Statue is in play if the only Fusion Monsters in your Extra Deck have barred Attributes. [Re: Chthonian Polymer] You can only activate this card when the opponent Fusion Summons a monster, including with a Special Summon that is treated as a Fusion Summon, like 'Miracle Fusion' or 'Power Bond'. You cannot activate it when they Special Summon a Fusion Monster with a card effect, like 'Metamorphosis' or 'Cyber-Stein'. [Re: Cyber End Dragon] You can Special Summon 'Cyber End Dragon' with 'Cyber-Stein' or 'Metamorphosis'. [Re: Cyber Twin Dragon] You can Special Summon 'Cyber Twin Dragon' with 'Cyber-Stein' or 'Metamorphosis'. [Re: Non-Fusion Area] You can still Special Summon a Fusion Monster with a card effect like 'Metamorphosis' or 'Cyber-Stein'. [Re: UFOroid Fighter] If 'UFOroid Fighter' is Special Summoned with 'Cyber-Stein' or 'Metamorphosis', its original ATK & DEF will be zero. Passcode: 69015963 Set: Shonen Jump Championship ATK/DEF: 700/500 Card Number: SJC-EN001 Monster Type: Machine Rarity: Ultra Rare Attribute: Dark Card Text: Pay 5000 Life Points. Special Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Fusion Deck to the field in Attack Position. Level: 2 Card Type: Effect Monster Name: Cyber-Stein Edition: Limited